Online Mark Entry | Online Mark Entry Primary School

Online Mark Entry related full information available here. Online Mark Entry Primary School on web portal. SSA Gujarat Mark Entry portal will start for First semester Nidan Kasoti. Mark Entry New Link updated on this post. So. you can Ekam Kasoti Mark Entry with this instruction. Application link for Unit Test Mark Entry also given here.

Online Mark Entry

During the first semester of the year 2020 21, students have studied through various methods of home learning instead of school. Now that the real educational work has started in Std. 6th to 8th, knowing the educational status of the students and based on it, if the regular teaching work starts in the school then it will be easier for the teachers to do the therapeutic work. In view of this, it has been decided to evaluate the students studying in all medium government, grant aided and self-reliant primary schools of the state with the same question papers.

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Online Mark Entry Primary School

The timetable of the Nidan Kasoti (Diagnostic Test) has also been revealed. The first semester nidan kasoti will start from 15/3/2021. This first semester nidan kasoti will be for students of Std. 6 to 8. The main purpose of the first semester nidan kasoti is to know the individual educational status of the students so that the therapeutic work can take place. Therefore it is desirable that the test subject be started by the subject teacher as soon as possible.

SSA Gujarat Mark Entry

The first semester Nidan Kasoti (Diagnostic Test) is to be tested and monitored at the school level only. Students in Std. 3 and 4 will have to write the answers in the test paper. Students of Std. 5 to 8 will have to write the answers in a separate answer book with pen. Online data entry of test result has to be done. The program and detailed instructions for online data entry will be provided separately by the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan.

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Online Mark Entry SSA Gujarat

The Gujarat Government conducts unit tests every Saturday for Std. 3 to 8. Their mark entry is done online by the teachers on the SSA website. Using the link provided here you can make an online entry of the unit test marks taken in your school.

Mark Entry New Link


Online Mark Entry New Link



Ekam Kasoti Mark Entry

The Ekam Kasoti is taken for the students of standard 3 to 8 of the primary school. This Ekam Kasoti to do the student-wise mark entry of the test online. Information about online Marcus entry is given here. This information will be useful to the teachers of each school.

Online Mark Entry Ekam Kasoti

A Saral data app has been launched to upload ekam kasoti marks online. Students’ marks can be saved by scanning with the help of simple data app.

Unit Test Mark Entry


Online Mark Entry Unit Test

Saral Data Application Download

Online Mark Entry System

PAT Online Marks Entry

Guidelines for entry of unit test marks are given here.

Ekam Kasoti Mark Entry Excel Sheet

Data entry operations must be completed within the given time limit. A separate seat for scanning the mark sheet should be printed as per the subject and given by CCC per standard. Nidan Kasoti (Diagnostic Tests) are designed based on study findings, similar to periodic assessment tests. So that learning outcomes for treatment can be isolated. The first semester nidan kasoti involves the study of the first semester.

Learning Outcomes are useful for every teachers. Adhyayan Nishpatti are also available on our website. The intention of learning outcomes is to make it clear to the students what they are expected to achieve as a result of completing a course. Now, you can download Std 1 to 8 Learning Outcomes from this materials. Learning outcomes are an essential part of any unit outline.

Online Mark Entry, Online Mark Entry Primary School, SSA Gujarat Mark Entry, Mark Entry New Link, Ekam Kasoti Mark Entry, Unit Test Mark Entry